Friday 3 November 2017

The Fury of the Nature

The scorching burning sun , the parched earth , the dried up wells beckoning the silvery clouds for the rain..

Without a warning, the mischievous fluffy clouds created havoc and the tempest unleashed it’s fury flooding the lane..

Thunderstorms and bolts of lightning, angry storms , withering trees, reckless rains screams of the bawling Zion

The grim ,wicked tornadoes destroying everything in its way as the mother nature meting out the retribution

There lies ahead dark dreary gloomy days filled with pain; wakeup oh mankind! Let’s atone and protect the nature before devastation engulfs the terrene

Friday 5 May 2017

The transient friendship...

Like a whiff of perfume infusing sweet fragrance around, your friendship full of warmth and love uplifted my soul like the desert rain..

Yet like the changing seasons you kept fading away breaking my spirit leaving my aching heart behind moaning in deep pain.. I kept waiting although knowing we perhaps might never meet again..

Yet like a sweet gentle breeze, you came  every time only to never stay making me sometimes ponder if you were for real or just a fantasy…

Today however I have moved on dear buddy..

My wounds have healed and my broken heart mended…the old cherished memories faded ...

The treasured friendship lost forever as we moved on from being best friends to strangers once again...

Monday 3 April 2017


The dark dreary clouds shift to reveal the brighter tomorrow ahead...

The incandescent beams of hope splashing like a blushing dawn..

The glowing rays of faith igniting the dreams within...

The magic of serenity comforting like the gentle breeze on the bamboo fern...

The spark of strength awakening my soul towards the paradise I yearn..

Today I feel alive again...I am reborn.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Never Give Up...

Let the inner strength guide you, let the obstacles never deter you, O wanderlust traveler
The Journey ahead is filled with challenges, dark gloomy nights, and hurdles at every step, yet do not let the negative thoughts distract you from your vision, O journeyer;

The aches and pains would go away as you are the blessed one, your inner light shining so bright
Unleash your talents, discover the unfathomable beginning, and be led by the motivation, continue like eagle in its flight;

The journey has just begun and the best is yet to come....

Monday 18 July 2016

I Love You....

Beautiful moonlight lit sky illuminated with zillion stars; gentle breeze playing with my hair, soft soulful music makes me realize how much I want you…

The warmth, care, affection and love showered by you is immeasurable, I am living my most cherished dream since I met you…

Taking my hand, you made me smile lighting up my soul with hope and faith, my broken wings healed, cold winters filled with summer warmth, my inspiration when I was weak, lifting my spirit with the everlasting magic of love..

Take my heart with you, it’s forever yours; No words can express the depth of my love for you, you were sent just for me by heaven above…

Friday 8 July 2016

Love Heals....

Every dark gloomy night is followed by bright sunshine, hope replacing despair, bliss replacing the pain when love heals the broken heart…

Grieve not when the spirit is wounded; move on as life brings in greater surprise with a new start …

The hardened heart, shattered soul, melancholy feelings, loneliness is healed with a true love …

Open your arms wide, be vulnerable, spread your wings, soar high and fill heart with tenderness to the core…

Deep scars, ache, fear can be fixed with the bond of love, let the journey of desertion to healing begin….

Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Bright Sunshine...

As I gaze towards the sky, I see the bright sun illuminating the world, birds chirping while flying high; the freshness all around, the glitter of the brilliant sunshine filling my soul with serenity and cheerfulness..

The light pervades the darkness filling the sky with her vivid colors gently reminding how blessed I am each and every day; beholding the beautiful panorama around with happiness..

Each new day is a journey leading me far and away to unknown destination, each moment filled with hope, faith and positive thought..

The lovely morning starts afresh inspiring me to feel special each while and embrace life with a smile because each new day brings in a lot..

Wednesday 25 May 2016

The Magnificient Nature...

As I stand near the window, I feel the gentle breeze playing with my hair; the trees swaying in the wind, grass bending down and the birds watching the nature calmly from their nest….

The rhythmic rain drops evoke music within me, the rain drops falling on the leaves making it glow like diamonds, the cold stream flowing by, the beautiful rainbow forming across the horizon, magnificent picturesque nature at its best…

The gigantic mountains far away, the sweet smell of trees, the serene Mother Nature beckoning making me grasp how insignificant one is in this infinite universe, an indescribable feelings evoked  by the creator….


Sunday 24 April 2016

Escape from Reality…

Just sometimes in my dream world I live, a world where I feel weightless, expectation less, painless…

The world of freedom where all bonding are defied, anonymous unknown to all, an escape from the realism ruthless…

A world so beautiful, so lively filled with eternal sunshine, days filled with happiness and serenity…

Drifting high into the sky and away like the wanderlust birds , just sometimes in my dream world I live escaping the reality……….

Sunday 17 April 2016

Goodbye dearest……..

Saying goodbye isn’t easy when we have created so many beautiful happy memories together my dearest friend

In the ups, the downs, the good and bad moments the,memorable time we spent together..each moment binding us forever..

The joys that you brought to my soul are indescribable…my heart deeply longs for your presence, how much I miss you are inexpressible…

As memories roll down my cheeks, I finally comprehend the truth that you have moved on leaving an aching heart behind .. deep emptiness breaking my spirit moaning in pain , oh my dearest friend…

As I look ahead I realize that it’s time to move on …I bid farewell dear until we meet and say hello again.. 

Thursday 17 March 2016


Each time I travel down the memory lane, my face glows bright like the sun shining brilliantly in the sky, my heart brimming with happiness and memories flood in like the rain on scorching day lighting my soul like the stars shining in the night….

I re-live the old days, the sad moments bringing soft and tender smile to my lips while the happier reminiscences sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks as I begin to miss the moments; the moments that tore, created, defined, and re-shaped my spirit like a rough diamond now sparkling bright....

As I continue my journey towards destination unknown in pursuit of my dreams, I create newer fascinating memories to brighten the days when filled with glum..  
These unforgettable priceless bitter sweet memories, I treasure for a lifetime to come….

Wednesday 16 March 2016

With Me Forever…

The beautiful moonlight, twinkling stars, tender breeze playing with my hair, the soulful slow music playing far away trigger the scent of memories of your presence and how alive I feel is inexpressible….

I feel the touch, the caresses, the cuddles, the hugs, the deep longing, and the warm smile..each feeling making the moment indescribable…

You are so far away yet so near to me, with me in my thoughts, in my mind, in my heart forever…

I close my eyes ,  I feel you in every breath I take , time freezes, distance becomes irrelevant, just our souls meeting each other.. Until eternity, only you are what I will need ever………

Thursday 18 February 2016

The Restless....

The restless heart seeks to travel beyond and far away, striving for a new beginning…

The beautiful breathtaking dawn with the lovely ochre sunrays on me is creating a deep awakening…

The eager and impatient soul craving for newer vistas, the restless spirit longing to be on voyage, a hunger for adventure arising deep within..

The restless dreams, the restless thoughts, the restless beat all beckoning for quest to an unfamiliar terrain …

The restive mind desire to uncover the unexplored, the tumultuous feelings in pursuit of newer landscapes, like a wandering gypsy, I drift far and away to the destination unknown…..  


Tuesday 9 February 2016


Along comes a friend who brings in happiness, lifts your soul when down, hauling away your worries and self-doubts , magical spark lighting your way , filling your heart with warmth of love , loving you more than you love yourself…..

Along comes a friend who is a blessing, a beautiful feeling, the most valuable treasure in the world, an evergreen fragrant garden, and refreshing breeze in the sultry season...

Along comes a friend who makes you appreciate the most precious and special bond called that completes your world forever

Saturday 6 February 2016

Moving On...

The glowing moon, the twinkling stars, the beautiful warm night yet there is a shadow of dullness around.

The bright morning fails to mask the darkness within, the brilliant radiance of the shining sun unable to melt the icebergs of sorrows wedged deeply within my heart

The unshed tears, the numbing pain, the agony of missing, the unhealed wounds, and the masked hurt, the tumultuous fears… indescribable feelings of a wounded heart

As I close my eyes waiting for a new dawn, to heal my past, to leave the darkness of despair behind, I start walking towards the light to write a new chapter of my life………..